Friday, June 26, 2015

Composing on

Hey everyone!  Here is a quick tutorial on how to get started composing on

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Keeping busy!

Here are some ideas to keep everyone busy!  We use both of these fun music sites in class all the time. Have a blast playing and learning about music.

COMPOSE on sfskids
PLAY on nyphilkids

Reflections on "Landfill Harmonic" video

This is the incredible and moving video the students watched in my class at the end of this year.  We had a thoughtful discussion about their thoughts on what these people have accomplished.  Here are some examples of what they asked and shared.

Why does it make us feel happy for these people but uncomfortable at the same time?
    -We are so glad for these kids that they can play instruments too.
    -...but it makes us feel bad that we have so much and they have so little.

What have we thrown away that could have been used for an instrument?
Why was it so important that they didn't just give them instruments but instead taught them how to make them?

Music is a "Piece Of Cake"

Hello everyone!  For my first post on this blog, I would like to add a little video I put together called Music Is a "Piece of Cake."  There are some important ingredients to music: Pitch, Rhythm, Steady Beat, Dynamics, etc.  These ingredients are what make music so interesting and unique.  They all get mixed together to make those songs we love!  I hope you enjoy this silly little baking demo. ;)