Rules and Values for our Music Classroom
Values...What kind of person do we want to be? At AGS, on the announcements, we recite that we will "Give Respect, Use Safety, and Share Responsibility." But what does that look like? How do we show these values? What EXACTLY do we do to become Respectful, Safe and Responsible students? This is where "Rules" come into play!
In our music classroom, everyday, we need to follow "rules" to uphold these "values". Last week, I asked every class at A.G.S. what "rules" they thought were important. We put them to rhythm, recited and clapped them. This week we are practicing the "Rhythm Rules" that were made by all of the classes. As we do this I have been asking the students to find the common themes among all of the rules collected. This data shows exactly what is most important to us as a whole community. Here are some highlights...
Wait your turn to talk
Walk in the music room
Keep your hands to yourself
Take care of the instruments
Help other students
I can't wait to spend this year with such bright and thoughtful students! It is going to be amazing!