Sunday, February 26, 2017

Trimester 2, 2017 Summary

Summary of Trimester 2, 2017

Focus on Pitch/Melody

For all grade levels, our learning targets for this trimester have been centered on reading, composing and performing MELODIES on the staff.  Much time has been spent diving into this complex topic.  Our favorite learning tool for this unit has been our beautiful ukuleles (or as we call them sometimes, our "uke-a-babies!").  These delightful instruments have been incorporated into lessons for every grade level K-5.  K-2nd grade use them to read the "open" pitches (which require no pushing) G, C, E, A on the staff.  To remember these string names we sing "Great Cats Eat Ants."

Grades 3-5 stretch further by beginning to learn how to play closed pitches (pushing): On C string -D [2nd fret), and on the E string- F [1st fret] and G [3rd fret].

Movement games, dance and singing have been integrated into the lessons to prep the students for their instrumental experience.  Alongside of labeling pitches with alphabet letters, we also incorporate the "solfege system" (Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti, Do) which uses hand signs for each pitch.  Our intense study of pitch/melody has been built upon our previous unit of study, rhythm.  

All students have done an amazing job learning these pitches and all of the concepts that accompany this unit: playing melodies alone and with a group, the concept of "on a line" and on a space", reading structure left to right, note values and rhythm structure.  At this point, our melody assessments have primarily been performance based.  Assessments to reinforce the study of rhythm have occurred in a array of forms: An online site called Rhythm Trainer, Google slide compositions, and performance-based assessments (alone and group).  Needless to say, we've been busy!  

Musical Performances!

Our music performances at A.G.S. continue to be exciting authentic learning experiences!  My 1st-2nd grade and 4/5th Chorus absolutely shined at their winter concert "Once Upon A Tune!"  

All 3rd-5th graders continue to dig into their songs for our *80s musical that will occur in May.  The songs used in these productions naturally become the center for rich classroom discussions about song form, dynamics, genre, textural features and meaning.  

*More information about the spring musical will be coming your way soon.


Looking ahead...

As we enter Trimester 3, we will begin using more manipulatives (staff paper, chips, staff mats, etc) to dig deeper into this study of melody and pitch.  Our older students (grades 2-5) will use their Chromebooks to compose digitally on the musical staff.  Another fun application of pitch reading will be with the fun site SFSKids.  On this site, student's Chromebooks are transformed into instruments by using the numbers on their keyboards! In addition, we will begin using our wonderful "keyed" instruments- glockenspiels, xylophones, and metallophones- to reinforce our learning of pitches and melodic construction.  Along with this, students will learn proper mallet technique and compare the structure of these pitched percussion instruments to that of pianos and keyboards.

One more exciting note...
3-5th graders have the opportunity to check out a ukulele and bring it home!  With our reinstated "Ukulele Check-Out System" they may take home a ukulele and method book for 3 days!  Already 45 students have taken advantage of this special privilege. Permission forms are located outside my classroom door.


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